How to prepare a config file for Visualizer

A config file includes one section for defining specific configs for each kind of data.


You can configure the port that server is going to listen on.



[SERVER] port: 9800


To display EEG data, first of all we should specify the path of recorded EEG file by giving value to the path option. Also, we should identify the sampling_rate of recorded data. Octopus-sensing-visualizer has provided several options for displaying raw or processed EEG data. By giving True value to each option, we specify which kind of graphs to be displayed.

Octopus-sensing-visualizer supports the following graphs for displaying the EEG signals:
  • display_signal: If True, displays raw signals for all channels

  • display_power_band_bars: If True, displays a bar chart of average of each power band signal

  • display_alpha_signal: If True, displays alpha band signal extracted from all channels.

  • display_beta_signal: If True, displays beta band signal extracted from all channels.

  • display_gamma_signal: If True, displays gamma band signal extracted from all channels.

  • display_delta_signal: If True, displays delta band signal extracted from all channels.

  • display_theta_signal: If True, displays theta band signal extracted from all channels.

  • window_size: It specifies the size of window for measuring power bands in seconds

  • overlap: Shows the overlap between consequences windows in measuring power bands



[EEG] path=data/OpenBCI_01_01.csv sampling_rate=128 display_signal=False display_power_band_bars=True display_alpha_signal=False display_beta_signal=False display_gamma_signal=False display_delta_signal=False display_theta_signal=False window_size=3 overlap=2


All options related to GSR signal.
  • path: Path to GSR data (csv file)

  • sampling_rate: recording sampling rate

  • display_signal: If True, displays GSR raw signal

  • display_phasic: If True, extracts phasic component and displays it

  • display_tonic: If True, extracts tonic component and displays it

Octopus-sensing-visualizer uses neurokit library for extracting GSR components.



[GSR] path=data/gsr-01-01.csv sampling_rate=128 display_signal=True display_phasic=True display_tonic=True


All options related to PPG signal.

  • path: Path to PPG data (csv file)

  • sampling_rate: recording sampling rate

  • display_signal: If True, displays PPG raw signal

  • display_hr: If True, extracts heart rate (hr) and displays it

  • display_hrv: If True, extracts heart rate variability (hrv) and displays it

  • display_breathing_rate: If True, extracts breathing rate (br) and displays it

  • window_size: The window size for extracting hr, hrv and br.

  • overlap: Shows the overlap between consequences windows

Octopus-sensing-visualizer uses heartpy library for extracting hr, hrv and breathing rate.



[PPG] path=octopus_sensing_visualizer/test_data/ppg_video-43-00-08.csv sampling_rate=128 display_signal=True display_hr=True display_hrv=True display_breathing_rate=True window_size=20 overlap=19