
What Are We Building?

This tutorial will show how to design a simple scenario with octopus-sensing step by step.

The example scenario is the most common in emotion recognition research in affective computing. In this scenario, we learn how to record data from different sources synchronously when an event happens and stop data recording by finishing the event.

By following these examples, we learn how to:

  1. Record data from various sources synchronously.

  2. Being synchronized with other software like Matlab and unity.

  3. Running the scenario and creating triggers in another application and recording data

    synchronously using Octopus Sensing

  4. Use various kinds of stimuli in octopus-sensing.

  5. Providing some utilities for designing experiments.

  6. Monitor and data in real-time.

  7. Reading recorded data in real-time

  8. Preprocess and visualize data offline.

  9. Watching video scenario


Create a project and install the octopus-sensing package by following the instructions on Quick start. We recommend using pipenv to do so. And then, copy the source of examples from examples package in octopus-sensing repository to your project directory and run them.

1- Record data from various sources synchronously

The most crucial feature of octopus-sensing is synchronous data recording from different sensors. Octopus-sensing supports a set of sensors with a python library for data streaming. Also, it supports synchronous data recording using other software like Matlab and Unity. In this section, we learn how to record data from different sensors with internal drivers. (devices with a python driver for data acquisition).

Adding a sensor

Imagine you want to record video using your built-in webcam by pressing a key on the keyboard and stop recording after 5 seconds.

Firstly we should create a CameraStreaming object with a specific name and an output path for recording data.

>>> from octopus_sensing.devices import CameraStreaming
>>> from octopus_sensing.device_coordinator import DeviceCoordinator
>>> from octopus_sensing.common.message_creators import start_message, stop_message
>>> my_camera = CameraStreaming(camera_no=0,
...                             name="camera",
...                             output_path="./output")

Then we should add the created object to the DeviceCoordinator. As the name suggests, the device coordinator is responsible for coordination, like starting to record data in all devices at once, stopping data recording, triggering (marking data at a point), and terminating devices. When a device is added to the device coordinator, it will be initialized and prepared for recording.

>>> device_coordinator = DeviceCoordinator()
>>> device_coordinator.add_devices([my_camera])

We are now developing a simple code to start data recording by pressing a key and stopping recording after 5 seconds.

>>> input("Press a key to start data recording")
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(start_message(experiment_id, stimuli_id))
>>> time.sleep(5)
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(stop_message(experiment_id, stimuli_id))
>>> time.sleep(0.5)
>>> device_coordinator.terminate()

Octopus-sensing provides a set of default messages for handling different actions like starting and stopping the recording or terminating the program. To identify recorded files, Octopus-sensing needs an experiment ID and stimulus ID. They are two strings and can be anything you want. For example, we use the id of the recorded subject as experiment ID. Defining stimulus ID is essential for identifying the recorded data related to each stimulus when we have different stimuli.

To see the completed example see add_sensors example. The name of the recorded file will be camera-{experiment_id}.avi and will be saved in output/camera path.

Adding several sensors

To add each sensor, we should first create an instance of it and then add it to the device coordinator device list. The device coordinator will manage synchronous data recording by sending some markers to all devices in its device_list.

>>> from octopus_sensing.devices import Shimmer3Streaming
>>> from octopus_sensing.devices import CameraStreaming
>>> from octopus_sensing.devices import BrainFlowOpenBCIStreaming
>>> from octopus_sensing.device_coordinator import DeviceCoordinator
>>> from octopus_sensing.common.message_creators import start_message, stop_message
>>> my_shimmer = Shimmer3Streaming(name="shimmer",
...                                saving_mode=SavingModeEnum.CONTINIOUS_SAVING_MODE,
...                                output_path="./output")
>>> my_camera = CameraStreaming(camera_no=0,
...                             name="camera",
...                             output_path="./output")
>>> my_openbci =
...     BrainFlowOpenBCIStreaming(name="OpenBCI",
...                               output_path="./output",
...                               board_type="cyton-daisy",
...                               saving_mode=SavingModeEnum.CONTINIOUS_SAVING_MODE,
...                               channels_order=["Fp1", "Fp2", "F7", "F3",
...                                               "F4", "F8", "T3", "C3",
...                                               "C4", "T4", "T5", "P3",
...                                               "P4", "T6", "O1", "O2"])
>>> device_coordinator.add_device(my_shimmer)
>>> device_coordinator.add_devices([my_openbci, my_shimmer, my_camera])
>>> input("Press a button to start data recording")
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(start_message(experiment_id, stimuli_id))
>>> time.sleep(5)
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(stop_message(experiment_id, stimuli_id))
>>> device_coordinator.terminate()

By running this example, according to the saving_mode option that we passed to Shimmer3Streaming and BrainFlowOpenBCIStreaming, the recorded file/s will be different. The default value of saving mode is continuous. It means if we have several stimuli, all data will be recorded in one file and only some markers indicate where the event happened. In the SEPARATED_SAVING_MODE the data recorded during each stimulus will be recorded in a separate file. In the recorded file for Shimmer3 and OpenBCI, data samples have been recorded from when the sensor initialized to when it received the terminate message. The last column of data is the trigger column, which shows in what sample and time the device has received the start and stop triggers (pressing the button and 5 seconds after that). If we change the saving mode to separate (SavingModeEnum.SEPARATED_SAVING_MODE), it will record one file for each stimulus (For this example, one file), and the name of stimuli will appear in the file name.

Octopus Sensing can simultaneously record data from several cameras, an audio recorder, and several Shimmer3 OpenBCI sensors. To learn more about supported sensors, see Devices.


Keep in your mind, before running the code, connect the OpenBCI USB dongle, turn on the OpenBCI board. Also, turn on the Shimmer3 sensor and pair Bluetooth and the serial port for Shimmer3 streaming. (Shimmer password: 1234)

For example, in Linux, you can do it as follow:
  1. hcitool scan //It shows the mac-address of the device. for shimmer it is 00:06:66:F0:95:95

  2. vim /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf write the below line in it: rfcomm0{ bind no; device 00:06:66:F0:95:95; channel 1; comment “serial port” }

  3. sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 00:06:66:F0:95:95 // This is for reading Bluetooth data from a serial port

2- Synchronization with other software

Octopus Sensing also can send synchronization markers to external devices which record data through other software like Matlab.

First, we should create an instance of SocketNetworkDevice and allocate an IP address and port. Then add it to the DeviceCoordinator like other devices. By adding it to the DeviceCoordinator, it will start listening on specified IP address and port.

>>> from octopus_sensing.devices.socket_device import SocketNetworkDevice
>>> socket_device = SocketNetworkDevice("", 5002)
>>> device_coordinator.add_devices([socket_device])

Then a client can connect to this server to receive triggers. In the following code, we created a simple scenario that sends several triggers to a simple data recorder in Matlab.

Server Code in python

By running the server code, it starts listening. Before to begin sending markers, make sure that client code is running, and it has connected to the server. See the complete example in send_trigger_to_remote_device example.

>>> from octopus_sensing.device_coordinator import DeviceCoordinator
>>> from octopus_sensing.devices import SocketNetworkDevice
>>> from octopus_sensing.common.message_creators import start_message, stop_message
>>> device_coordinator = DeviceCoordinator()
>>> socket_device = SocketNetworkDevice("", 5002)
>>> device_coordinator.add_devices([socket_device])
>>> time.sleep(2)
>>> input("If a client has connected successfully, press enter to start sending marker")
>>> message = start_message("test", "00")
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(message)
>>> time.sleep(2)
>>> message = stop_message("test", "00")
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(message)
>>> time.sleep(2)
>>> message = start_message("test", "01")
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(message)
>>> time.sleep(2)
>>> message = stop_message("test", "01")
>>> device_coordinator.dispatch(message)
>>> time.sleep(3)
>>> device_coordinator.terminate()

Client Code in Matlab

We created a simple data recorder in this example which, in parallel, listens to the network. By running matlabRecorder in Matlab, firstly, it tries to connect to the specified server. Then it starts listening to specified port asynchronously. Parallel to this, it is recording some numbers in a file. As soon as it receives a marker, it will add it to the recorded line in the file. See this example in matlabRecorder example.

>>> function matlabRecorder()
>>>     global marker
>>>     marker = "";
>>>     tcpipClient = tcpip('localhost',5002,'NetworkRole','Client');
>>>     tcpipClient.ReadAsyncMode = 'continuous';
>>>     tcpipClient.Terminator = 10;
>>>     tcpipClient.BytesAvailableFcn = @setMarker;
>>>     tcpipClient.BytesAvailableFcnMode = 'terminator';
>>>     fopen(tcpipClient);
>>>     file_out = fopen("file_out.csv", 'w');
>>>     i = double(0);
>>>     while(1)
>>>         if marker == "terminate"
>>>             break
>>>         elseif marker == ""
>>>             fprintf(file_out, "%d, %s\n", i, "");
>>>         else
>>>             fprintf(file_out, "%d,%s\n", i, marker);
>>>             marker = "";
>>>         end
>>>         i =  i + 1;
>>>         pause(0.1);
>>>     end
>>>     fclose(file_out);
>>>     fclose(tcpipClient)
>>> end
>>> function setMarker(obj, event)
>>>     global marker;
>>>     data = fscanf(obj);
>>>     marker = erase(data, char(10));
>>> end

3- Receiving Messages over Network

Octopus Sensing provides an endpoint that listens for incoming Message requests by starting it. It passes the message to the Device Coordinator to dispatch them to the devices. It accepts HTTP POST requests. The Body can be serialized in one of ‘json’, ‘msgpack’ or ‘pickle’. This feature can be used when we have designed the overall scenario with other programming languages or the scenario is running in other software like Unity or Matlab. In this cases, we should write a simple code in python that uses Octopus Sensing for data recording and our scenario will just send triggers as an http request.

On the server-side first of all, we should create the device_coordinator and add the desired devices to it. Then we should create an endpoint as follows, pass the DeviceCoordinator instance to it and start it.

>>> from octopus_sensing.device_message_endpoint import DeviceMessageHTTPEndpoint
>>> message_endpoint = DeviceMessageHTTPEndpoint(device_coordinator, port=9331)
>>> message_endpoint.start()

An HTTP server will be started by running this code, which is listening on port 9331. When it receives a trigger, it passes it to the DeviceCoordinator, and DeviceCoordinator dispatches it to all the added devices.

On the client-side, if the language is python, we should first connect to the server by giving the machine’s address and the specified port of the server. In this example, we provide the address of the local machine because both client and server is running on the same machine

>>> import msgpack
>>> import http.client
>>> http_client = http.client.HTTPConnection("", timeout=3)

Then we can send a message as follows:

>>> http_client.request("POST", "/",
...                     body=msgpack.packb({'type': 'START',
...                                         'experiment_id': experiment_id,
...                                         'stimulus_id': stimuli_id}),
...                     headers={'Accept': 'application/msgpack'})
>>> response = http_client.getresponse()
>>> assert response.status == 200

See the full example in endpoint_example.

4- Use various kinds of stimuli in octopus-sensing

In this example, we learn how to record data in parallel with displaying image stimuli.

To display stimuli, Octopus-Sensing provides a set of predefined stimuli, including video and image. To display image stimuli, we used GTK. We should specify the path of the image stimulus and the duration time for displaying it. See Stimuli for stimuli API documentation.

>>> from octopus_sensing.stimuli import ImageStimulus
>>> stimulus = ImageStimulus(stimuli_id, os.path.join(stimuli_path, stmulus_name), 5)
>>> stimulus.show_standalone()

Similarly, we can create a video stimulus. Octopus Sensing uses VLC media player to display video stimuli. You should have VLC installed on your system.

>>> from octopus_sensing.stimuli import VideoStimulus
>>> stimulus = VideoStimulus(stimuli_id, os.path.join(stimuli_path, stmulus_name))
>>> stimulus.show()

The following code is the complete example of recording physiological data using Shimmer3 sensor while a set of images are displaying. See simple_scenario example. In this example, you can have video stimuli with uncommenting video stimuli lines and commenting image stimuli lines.

>>> import time
>>> import os
>>> from octopus_sensing.devices import Shimmer3Streaming
>>> from octopus_sensing.device_coordinator import DeviceCoordinator
>>> from octopus_sensing.common.message_creators import start_message, stop_message
>>> from octopus_sensing.stimuli import ImageStimulus
>>> def simple_scenario(stimuli_path):
>>>     # Reading image stimuli and assigning an ID to them based on their alphabetical order
>>>     stimuli_list = os.listdir(stimuli_path)
>>>     stimuli_list.sort()
>>>     stimuli = {}
>>>     i = 0
>>>     for item in stimuli_list:
>>>         stimuli[i] = item
>>>         i += 1
>>>     print("initializing")
>>>     # Creating an instance of sensor
>>>     my_shimmer = Shimmer3Streaming(name="Shimmer3_sensor",
>>>                                    output_path="./output")
>>>     # Creating an instance of device coordinator
>>>     device_coordinator = DeviceCoordinator()
>>>     # Adding sensor to device coordinator
>>>     device_coordinator.add_devices([my_shimmer])
>>>     experiment_id = "p01"
>>>     # A delay to be sure initialing devices have finished
>>>     time.sleep(3)
>>>     input("\nPress a key to run the scenario")
>>>     for stimuli_id, stmulus_name in stimuli.items():
>>>         # Starts data recording by displaying the image
>>>         device_coordinator.dispatch(start_message(experiment_id, stimuli_id))
>>>         # Displaying an image may start with some milliseconds delay after data recording because of GTK
>>>         # initialization in show_image_standalone. If this delay is important to you, use other tools for displaying image stimuli
>>>         # Since image is displaying in another thread we have to manually create the same delay in current
>>>         # thread to record data for 10 seconds
>>>         stimulus = ImageStimulus(stimuli_id, os.path.join(stimuli_path, stmulus_name), 5)
>>>         stimulus.show_standalone()
>>>         time.sleep(5)
>>>         # Stops data recording by closing image
>>>         device_coordinator.dispatch(stop_message(experiment_id, stimuli_id))
>>>         input("\nPress a key to continue")
>>>     # Terminate, This step is necessary to close the connection with added devices
>>>     device_coordinator.terminate()

Since the default saving mode is continuous, Shimmer3 will record all data in one file. For each stimulus, the device records two triggers in the file, one for the start of the stimulus and one for the end of the stimulus.

5- Utilities for designing experiments

Octopus Sensing provides some utilities using GTK for designing a questionnaire, displaying images, and some widgets like creating a timer. We used all of these utilities in the full_scenario example. Look at this example to find a simple scenario by displaying a fixation cross image, displaying a video clip and data recording, and then creating and showing a questionnaire after each stimulus. Also, go to the API section and look at the Questionnaire and Windows documentation to know more about utilities.

6- Monitoring

See Octopus Sensing Monitoring to know more about monitoring and how to use it. See the example in full_scenario example as an example to know more about how to monitor data.

7- Reading recorded data in real-time

You can read the data that Octopus Sensing is recording, in real-time, through an HTTP endpoint. To do so, you can use the same endpoint that Monitoring is using: MonitoringEndpoint.

To do so, start the Monitoring Endpoint in the usual way:

>>> from octopus_sensing.device_coordinator import DeviceCoordinator
>>> from octopus_sensing.monitoring_endpoint import MonitoringEndpoint
>>> # Create coordinator instance
>>> coordinator = DeviceCoordinator()
>>> # Add your devices
>>> ...
>>> # Creating the endpoint instance and start it.
>>> monitoring_endpoint = MonitoringEndpoint(coordinator)
>>> monitoring_endpoint.start()
>>> ...

On the client-side (a separate application), simply send a GET request:

>>> import json
>>> import http.client
>>> http_client = http.client.HTTPConnection("", timeout=3)
>>> http_client.request("GET", "/",
...                     headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
>>> response = http_client.getresponse()
>>> assert response.status == 200
>>> recorded_data = json.loads(response.read())

8- Preprocess and visualize data offline

If you used continuous saving_mode and want to split them into several files for processing, Octopus Sensing provides this feature by adding only one line to the end of the previous example.

>>> from octopus_sensing.preprocessing.preprocess_devices import preprocess_devices
>>> preprocess_devices(device_coordinator,
...                    output_path,
...                    shimmer3_sampling_rate=128,
...                    signal_preprocess=True)

By passing the instance of DeviceCoordinator as a parameter to preprocess_devices function, it will apply the preprocessing step on all added devices that implemented preprocessing. For audio and video, we don’t need any general preparation. But, the OpenBCI and Shimmer3 sensor will apply three or two preprocessing steps according to the passed parameters. It will resample the recorded data for Shimmer3 in this example to a sampling rate of 128 Hz. Then it will split data based on start and stop triggers. Then, since signal_preprocess is True, it will apply bandpass filtering and cleaning noises. Finally, this data will be recorded in the specified output path and ready to be used for analysis.

See Octopus Sensing Visualizer to know more about visualizer and how to use it.

9- Watching video scenario

Octopus Sensing provides the common scenario in emotion recognition studies. In this scenario, the data is recorded during a watching video task, and the user can report emotions using a questionnaire. Every step in the code is fully commented. By reading and running this example, you can learn how to do every step in the scenario, monitor data in real-time, and visualize data after finishing the scenario. See the example in full_scenario example.