- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.openbci.openbci_preprocess(input_path: str, file_name: str, output_path: str, channels: List[str], saving_mode: int = 0, sampling_rate: int = 128, signal_preprocess: bool = True)[source]
Preprocess openbci recorded files to prepare them for visualizing and analysis It applys data cleaning (according to signal_preprocess), resampling (according to sampling_rate), and splits data if data has been recorded continuously. This method uses mne library for EEG data processing
- Parameters
input_path (str) – The path to recorded openbci data
file_name (str) – The file name of recorded openbci data
output_path (str) – preprocessed file path
channels (List(str)) – a list of recorded channels name
saving_mode (int, default: SavingModeEnum.CONTINIOUS_SAVING_MODE) – The saving mode of recorded data. If it is CONTINIOUS_SAVING_MODE, data will be splitted according to markers and will be recorded in the separated files
sampling_rate (int, default: 128) – The desired sampling_rate. Data will be resampled according to this sampling rate
signal_preprocess (bool, default: True) – If True will apply preliminary preprocessing steps to clean line noises
Sometimes recorded data in one second with Openbci are less or more than the specified sampling rate. So, we resample data by replicating the last samples or removing some samples to achieve the desired sampling_rate
- class octopus_sensing.preprocessing.openbci.EegPreprocessing(data: ndarray, channel_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sampling_rate: int = 128)[source]
Converts EEG data to mne raw data format for furthur analysis
- Parameters
data (numpy.ndarray) – The channels’ time series (n_samples*n_channels)
channel_names (List[str], default: None) – A list of channels’ names
sampling_rate (int, default: 128) – Sampling rate of data
- get_data()[source]
Gets EEG data as a raw mne data
- Returns
mne_raw_data – EEG data as a
- Return type
- filter_data(low_frequency: float = 1, high_frequency: float = 45, notch_frequencies: List[int] = [60])[source]
Apply notch filter, low pass and high pass (bandpass) filter on mne data
- Parameters
low_frequency (float, default: 1) – The low cut frequency for filtering
high_frequency (float, default: 45) – The high cut frequency for filtering
notch_frequencies (List[int] default: [60]) – the frequencies to be used in the notch filter
- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.openbci.clean_eeg(data, channel_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, low_frequency: float = 1, high_frequency: float = 45, sampling_rate: int = 128)[source]
Cleans EEG data
- Parameters
low_frequency (float, default: 1) – The low cut frequency for filtering
high_frequency (float, default: 45) – The high cut frequency for filtering
smpling_rate (int, default: 128) – sampling rate
- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.shimmer3.shimmer3_preprocess(input_path: str, file_name: str, output_path: str, saving_mode: int = 0, sampling_rate: int = 128, signal_preprocess: bool = True)[source]
Preprocess shimmer recorded files to prepare them for visualizing and analysis It applys data cleaning (according to signal_preprocess), resampling (according to sampling_rate), and splits data if data has been recorded continuously. It will save PPG and GSR data in separated files
- Parameters
input_path (str) – The path to recorded shimmer data
file_name (str) – The file name of recorded shimmer data
output_path (str) – preprocessed file path
saving_mode (int, default: SavingModeEnum.CONTINIOUS_SAVING_MODE) – The saving mode of recorded data. If it is CONTINIOUS_SAVING_MODE, data will be splitted according to markers and will be recorded in the separated files
sampling_rate (int, default: 128) – The desired sampling_rate. Data will be resampled according to this sampling rate
signal_preprocess (bool, default: True) – If True will apply preliminary preprocessing steps to clean line noises
Sometimes recorded data in one second with Shimmer3 are less or more than the specified sampling rate. So, we resample data by replicating the last samples or removing some samples to achieve the desired sampling_rate
- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.shimmer3.clean_gsr(data, sampling_rate: int, low_pass: float = 0.1, high_pass: float = 15)[source]
Removes high frequency and rapid transient noises
- Parameters
data (numpy.array) – An 1D array of GSR data
smpling_rate (int, default: 128) – sampling rate
low_pass (float, default: 0.7) – The low cut frequency for filtering
high_pass (float, default: 2.5) – The high cut frequency for filtering
- Returns
cleaned_data – An 1D array of cleaned GSR data
- Return type
- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.shimmer3.clean_ppg(data: ndarray, sampling_rate: int, low_pass: float = 0.7, high_pass: float = 2.5)[source]
Removes high frequency noises
It uses heartpy <> library
- Parameters
data (numpy.ndarray) – An 1D array of PPG data
smpling_rate (int, default: 128) – sampling rate
low_pass (float, default: 0.7) – The low cut frequency for filtering
high_pass (float, default: 2.5) – The high cut frequency for filtering
- Returns
cleaned_data – An 1D array of cleaned PPG data
- Return type
Preprocess Devices
- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.preprocess_devices.preprocess_devices(device_coordinator: DeviceCoordinator, output_path: str, openbci_sampling_rate: int = 128, shimmer3_sampling_rate: int = 128, signal_preprocess: bool = True)[source]
Preprocees recorded files for all devices that are added to device_coordinator and has a preprocessing module. Some devices do not have any preprocessing, so this function will ignore them
- Parameters
device_coordinator (DeviceCoordinator) – an instance of DeviceCoordinator
output_path (str) – Path for preprocessed Files
openbci_sampling_rate (int) – New sampling rate for openbci resampling
shimmer3_sampling_rate (int) – New sampling rate for shimmer3 resampling
- octopus_sensing.preprocessing.preprocess_devices.preprocess_devices_by_path(devices_path: Dict[str, str], output_path: str, openbci_channels: List[str] = ['Fp1', 'Fp2', 'F7', 'F3', 'F4', 'F8', 'T3', 'C3', 'C4', 'T4', 'T5', 'P3', 'P4', 'T6', 'O1', 'O2'], openbci_sampling_rate: int = 128, shimmer3_sampling_rate: int = 128, signal_preprocess: bool = True)[source]
Gets a list of path to the recorded data from different devices and preprocess them if they have preprocessing module. Some devices do not have any preprocessing, so this function will ignore them
- Parameters
devices_path (dict[str, str]) – a dictionary of device_name: data_path that specify the path to recorded data by each device
output_path (str) – Path for preprocessed Files
openbci_channels (List[str]) – default is [“Fp1”, “Fp2”, “F7”, “F3”, “F4”, “F8”, “T3”, “C3”, “C4”, “T4”, “T5”, “P3”, “P4”, “T6”, “O1”, “O2”] A list of OpenBCI channels’ names
openbci_sampling_rate (int) – New sampling rate for openbci resampling
shimmer3_sampling_rate (int) – New sampling rate for shimmer3 resampling